All systems are operational

Past Incidents

Tuesday 25th June 2024

DCI Network [ID] Network outage

Network appears up and down at this stage with significant packetloss to an upstream provider.

  • Network has been stable for last 2 hours so we will close this one off

  • DCI Network [ID] id-dci POP network not being advertised to certain networks

    We are investigating network propagation issues via Indonet

  • It looks like network access to global telcos has been restored. We will keep an eye on it and watch out for the cause when it comes in to advise customers accordingly.

  • Tuesday 24th October 2023

    UK Servers [UK] London POP suite 2 offline for emergency room migration

    Due to an emergency cooling issue, some servers are being moved between rooms. We expect this to resolve ongoing issues there shortly

  • Services have now all returned at this site.

  • Wednesday 27th September 2023

    MNDC1 Network [MN] MNDC Network offline

    We can see that the Mongolia MNDC network uplink is offline. This is affecting more than just our services at that datacenter.

    Will advise once we have any information

  • It appears to be a network issue with the upstream network provider there. We can see services returning now

  • Monday 18th September 2023

    Sydney Network [DNSSEC .au] .au zone appears to have a DNSSEC expiry issue at the moment

    It appears .au zone has DNSSEC issues which is causing domains to be unresolvable by many resolvers. The .au DNS zone is not controlled by us unfortunately so we are not able to fix this.

    RRSIG alg 8, id 62233: The Signature Expiration field of the RRSIG RR (2023-09-18 00:05:29+00:00) is 17 minutes in the past.

    We have made our resolvers ignore the DNSSEC for .au domains temporarily while the issue is ongoing to alleviate the issue as much as possible.

  • It appears that the body operating the .au DNS space fixed the issue approximately 50 minutes after the issue started. We have re-enabled our resolvers to validate DNSSEC enabled domains now.

  • Thursday 7th September 2023

    Area31 Network Loss of public network

    We are currently investigating a network outage at this location

  • Network is now back to operational. We will analyze what happened with the upstream to determine how to prevent it in future.

  • Upstream network carrier is aware and looking into it